Working at a callcentre..

Since 5,5 years I work at a callcentre. Having a fulltime job is also the reason that I do not post as many things as I want.

Simply because sometimes after working 8 hours, traveling approximately 1,5 hours a day in total from and to my job and going to the gym about 3 times a week dus not leave me that much time :). But don’t worry. After a lot of incredible, positive, nice, gentle, amazing reactions which I have never dreamed off I have made a solemn promis to myself to really post more.

So here’s a new one. Have fun, take care! :)

Working here makes you encounter a lot of different people. Some people just drain the energy out of you. It looks like you are trying to have a conversation with your average toddler.. “I want this, I want that”.  Long story short.. it doesn’t work with me. Also screaming is in my opinion a no-go. You get one warning and then you’re gone/out.

Of course there are situations where you can be frustrated or angry. Of course I do not mind talking to you and of course I am willing to listen and maybe even give you a friendly word of advise. I really enjoy talking to some people. By the stories I have been told up till now I could write a book lol…

Naturally you have the chatty customer. Their problem could be solved within minutes but it just isn’t happening. Telling you their life story and what is going around in the neighbourhood.. Who just does not know how to end a conversation too. You already wished them a nice day three times and they say “yes” but stay on the line as if they are waiting for something else… Please just put down the phone :) .

The boss type. Thinks I am his secretary and he can boss me around like he does to his secretary.. Again not working! You call me because you want to get something done. This means we start on a similar level. We are equal. Yes that is hard to understand but I can provide the solution you (most possibly) want so if you act normal I will tell you. If you are not I will be a bigger boss then you.. (evil grin)

The apologizing customer… Who feels very sorry for calling us. Thinks he or she is bothering us with his or her annoying questions. Please! I am here to help you. It also gives me a good feeling solve things for you (within a reasonable range of course :) ). Feel free to ask me. If you do not know the answer the question is not stupid. Also I get paid to listen and help. Let me earn my money the way it is supposed to be lmao.

The awesome customer. I love those. Normal people. Talking in a normal civilised way. Communicating on the same level. You can also have some nice chit chat with them. They are a relief! Those are the times that I have a talk time of maybe an hour or so. I don’t mind. If you need my help and the process itself takes long and we can have a nice talk, love it :) .

The indecent proposal. Yes this time not a person but a thing. I named it like this cause it has been done by both men and women. We can share our screen and some keep showing me images of themselves and even ask me if I like them and want to go out with them. Have been asked on a few occasions if I want to hang out together. Even answers like “I don’t want to cause I need to clean the house tomorrow” (which I assumed to be a major turn off) escalated when the person on the other side offered to “have some fun tonight” and help me do chores tomorrow. Also we are obliged to ask customers to close windows we are not supposed to see… It also turned out that my definition of closing what is not appropiate for me to see is different then some other people’s point of view. So yeah.. I’ve seen numerous erotic pages coming by u_u…. One of the strangest things was a customer suggesting I should even get another job where I could use my voice for other purposes and make a lot more money with that. It was my own fault. I am too curious. He was nice, polite, never made an off remark but asked me at the end of our conversation if he could say something off topic. I granted him permission so I guess I am to blame myself for this one…

As I said I could write a book about it. Maybe one day I will who knows…





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